Without high-quality products, even the Schwäne can’t cook anything good. For us that’s what it’s all about! We expect our farmers and producers to understand our quality standards and for that we are willing to pay a fair price.
Bezau | Thymian, Schafgarbe, Wasserminze, Veilchen, Sonnenblüten – All diese Kräuter sind im Bregenzerwald zu finden. Aber, um ehrlich zu sein, ich kenne die besten Plätze nicht. Maria und Irmgard sind richtige Kräuterhexen und Berggämse und klettern auf weiten Wegen über Stock und Stein, um diese sonnenverwöhnten Bergkräuter zu sammeln. Sie kombinieren ihr Wissen mit der Kräuterkunde von Hildegard von Bingen und produzieren unseren WILDE WEIBER Tee.
Claudia & Bertram are among our closest and most trusted partners. They have developed the Martinshof in Buch from a classic farm into a model-organic farm. Flour, spelt and eggs – all come from there. As you can imagine, we need a lot of them in our kitchen. On the Martinshof farm only organic food from the organic mill Meitinger is fed. Even the packaging is certified climate neutral. This makes us happy.
Fluh near Bregenz | A farm above Bregenz, that also breeds chicken on the side. The chicken peck on the grass around the house all day long. In the evening they retreat to the coop. At Sandra & Gerhard’s you can only get chicken meat if you are a regular customer, and only up to a certain quantity. We order half a year in advance. I can’t order 200 chicken breasts here, even if I could pay for it! OK?
Au | The Berlingers still have a traditional family business. They specialise in the preparation of sheep and goats milk. Julia concentrates on the production and Josef in the barn. They work entirely in the animals’ best interests. Only when the sheep or goat is doing well and getting good feed, do they provide good milk.
Götzis | Those that are good in organics do not need chemicals. Susanne & Elmar have grown spelt for over 25 years and work in rhythm with nature. Since the very beginning they have only used pure spelt varieties, without any crossbreeding with wheat. The seeds are sown at the end of September and harvested in July. After a rest period the grain is milled in batches. Meaning that the spelt is always fresh in the SCHWANEN.
Andelsbuch | Bernadette & Reinhard Schneider from Andelsbach spend every summer along with their children and cattle in the Alpe Finne under the Niedere. The cows eat various mountain herbs and produce the best milk for Reinhard’s unique mountain cheese. Reinhard is convinced that if the raw product isn’t right not even the best cheese maker can make a good product. His cheese is strong and with an intensive herbal note. In addition, there is the excellent perforation, the right sharpness and of course the maturity and perfect storage. Reinhard takes a close look at all his buyers before they receive his mountain cheese. When he turned up in our kitchen one day with a cheese, we were thrilled. Since then we have only used his mountain cheese for our cheese dumplings in the SCHWANEN.
Organic farmers, Sulzberg, www.bio-bauern-sulzberg.at
Schönenbacher hunt, Hubert Egender
Martinshof, Bertram Martin, Buch, www.martins-hof.at
Amann Kaffee, Dornbirn, www.amann-kaffee.at
Zähringer Apotheke, Konstanz, Hildegard Gewürze
Sonnentor, www.sonnentor.com
Brauerei Egg, www.brauerei-egg.at
Ökoring Handels GmbH, www.oekoring.com
Monika Heiss, Dornbirn, www.monikaheiss.at
Tauernlamm, Hohe Tauern, www.tauernlamm.at
Christoph Kaufmann, www.landwird.at
Bartholomäus Fink, brenn., www.brenn.at
Robert Comploj, www.glashuettecomploj.at
Martin Fink, wertvoll genießen, www.wertvollgeniessen.at
Hermann Kaufmann, Schwarzach, www.hermann-kaufmann.at
Markus Faisst, Hittisau, www.holz-werkstatt.com
Kaspar Greber, Bezau, www.kaspargreber.at
Michael Kaufmann, Reuthe, www.kaufmannzimmerei.at
Christian Greussing, Bezau
Tischlerei Rüscher, Schnepfau, www.tischlerei-ruescher.com
Herbert Feuerstein, Bizau, www.feuerstein-tischlerei.at
Tischlerei Spettel, Alberschwende
Elektro Willi, Andelsbuch, www.elektrowilli.at
Kiechel & Hagleitner, Bregenz, www.kiha.at
FHE Franke, Dornbirn, www.fhe.at
Martin Fink, Bezau, www.finkmartin.at
Martin Greussing, Bezau, www.tischlereigreussing.at
Biohotel Schwanen Emanuel Moosbrugger e.U.
Kirchdorf 77, 6874 Bizau (AT), 0043 5514 2133