Man is well aware
of the good,
even if he does not do it.
Hildegard von Bingen (1098 – 1179)
My parents Antonia & Wolfgang have developed the SCHWANEN with immense amounts of love, energy and dedication
evolved and made what it is today. Her commitment to her life's work and our collaboration over the past 5 years have shaped and greatly impressed me. Thank you
we will carry on in your spirit.
Franziska Hiller, our second wild woman, has been with us for over 25 years. She knows the wild women and the #wild women kitchen very well and embodies and lives the same ideas and principles as we do.
Together with a young, committed team, she manages the skills in the #wildeweiber kitchen and processes what the #wildeweibergarten, our Vegetable Garden, delivers. The diversity and quantity of the
harvest have shown us how much we are made of. I am happy and glad to have such a great <a href=""
Kommt doch selbst vorbei und schaut, in welcher Form sich das Gemüse aus unserem Garten auf unserer Speisekarte im Restaurant findet.
Biohotel Schwanen Emanuel Moosbrugger e.U.
Kirchdorf 77, 6874 Bizau (AT), 0043 5514 2133